Partner Spotlight
Adapting Higher Education for the Lifelong Learner
Written by Andrew Hermalyn on May 5, 2021
Related content: Higher Education, University, Leadership

Like so many other industries, higher education has been profoundly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. With colleges and universities forced to move online almost overnight, many institutions are now grappling with what role online education will play in their future and how they must adapt and evolve to better serve the growing needs of learners.
Interest in work-based and online education programs has increased substantially throughout the pandemic, and over a third of Americans say they will need additional training or education to find new jobs. Building upon existing skills and acquiring new ones has become a necessity for modern workers. In fact, nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults consider themselves lifelong learners, and more than 60% of working adults consider themselves professional learners, having taken a course or training to advance their careers over the past year.
These changing trends represent an enormous opportunity for those universities that can deliver relevant, accessible, and high-quality online educational programs that meet the needs of learners over their lives and careers.